Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Lake Powell 2

Going Home... these pictures download in opposite order..
Fireworks by other people. They were cool

Bellyflop/Backflop contest Kenny vs Jon

Kenny and Kristin tubing

Playing double solitaire!!! it gets crazy

don't worry it wasn't for real money

Kenny cliff jumping

During the week we went wakeboarding and waterskiing, and tubing. But the boat broke down at the beginning of the week so we didn't do as much of that as we would've. We still had fun playing games, swimming, and catching fish. It got really stormy though, and while everyone was cliff jumping it got really stormy. When we got back to the house boat the anchors were all pulled out except for one and the boat had flipped around and was against the shore! We don't have any pics because we were all too frantic with helping to take any. Everyone was in the water trying to find the anchors and the ropes and turn the boat around, but some of the ropes got stuck in the propellers. Meanwhile there was a ton of lightning and it was really windy. Finally after like an hour and a half and another camp's help we got everything back in position and re-anchored. It was pretty eventful! And fun.

Lake Powell

Kenny caught a fish!!
Shelby, Kristin, and me on the top of the houseboat

This is right by where we camped