Friday, January 29, 2010

A Run Down

Since I haven't posted anything in a long time, I thought maybe I should do a run down of what we're up to.

Kenny- is currently tearing down trees and doing repairs at his parent's house with our brother-in-law Josh, which is a great job for them! Well, except for the fact that Kenny got poison ivy all over his body. We hope it will go away in a few weeks, poor Kenny. He's also going to school full time and will be able to graduate in about a year. Yay!! He's working really hard and has a calling in the elder's quorum.

Me- I'm getting into a dental assisting program so I can be a dental assistant in nine months and be able to get a job. I'm a little nervous about it, but it'll be really good for us! My calling in the primary is keeping me really busy. And I've been sewing a little here and there.

Together- We are so excited because we are going to have two new nephews this summer! One in June and one in July. We are also trying to be a little healthier by working out, and I'm taking a yoga class that I love :) Then in March we are going to Hawaii with Kenny's family! None of us have ever been except Kenny's parent's and grandma and so we're super excited!! We have a lot of fun things to look forward to and that's just the beginning...

We miss everyone and hope that everybody is doing really well.


Lee&Michelle said...

HAWAII!!!!!!!! why is everyone going to hawaii without me?!?!

Sant Family said...

At last! We've been wondering how you are doing and what you've been up to! Sounds like you guys are busy and happy!

Jannica Larson said...

Wow that's exciting about the dental assisting job, good luck with everything!
I totally wish we were going to Hawaii the same time, that would be awesome.
You guys have bad luck with your skin...first you and your hives from the old stuff at the mill. haha...poor kenny,that sucks!

ps. the word verification i had to type in for this comment was "puewsmsi". I don't think that's actually a word.